Thursday, December 11, 2008

scenarios soldiers!

soldiers! attention!

foward MARCH!
(left right left right....)

sometimes my working life could be as relax as this~
but these few days, the work in urgent is killing us, A&W got no choice, but to summon for help from other department.
he then summoned another trainee from Utem in QA in process to come final help us
(yeah right, he have no choice, he himself is garbage, he didnt help at all)

when people is busy, Joc even have little 'war' with KLCC

but then, soldiers! aerobic!
(by Shan, not me, i am never that free)

ok, out of topic..
anyway, Shan can make pretty soldiers aerobic:

today, one of the Pakistan worker officially leaving malaysia,
his last day was yesterday, and we did say bye to him, and today he come to the company for document thingy, and so drop by again to say bye,

well, i don't even have a proper conversation with him, just hi, bye, makan makan, sort of thing
but, i do have good impression in him, he is a sincere guy~

go bac to pakistan to marry then never will come back to mintye again~
so, farewell

ok, soldiers,
anyway, soldiers is one of the product call PIN, attach to BSC, nvm, who will understand..
soldiers! say byebye with LOVE!



Thursday, November 27, 2008

bad things does happen in min

it wasn't all good happening to me all this while, i have things that i have complication dealing with...

sometimes i am so having bad luck, is simple, but it irritates you..

nah, i am not going to say those things, it is really small tiny things, just like so happening to be the one to explain the faulty that we causes, making the impression that it is MY fault...

and! i don't have chance to talk to 'tony leung'!

and this stupid 38(38 is a malay guy), was absent for 2 days, monday and tuesday..and so i am transfer to take his shift with another senior~
well, then i understand lots of things 38 does not teach me, is all the minor detail that link everything he make me do.. who knows he is either selfish, or merely thinking thats too simple to make me do them.
well, it is alright, i don't mind, he don't have the obligation to teach me

and the senior(nepal), even teach me things from his original department,
although he complain to me he have so much of his work, hoping me to help him with his department thing..:P sorry, i don't want to~ (i didnt actually tell him that, just, i didnt help him)

ok, thats the thing, happening once he return to work yesterday, i transfer back to the final QA, and i face a flaw of the product he is controlling, so i went to him with the product...
i go to his seat, take a seat, and sit down beside him, seeing him doing his work, i do not want to interupt, but i am sure he know i am there...
then he say: buat apa pasal yang 90334 itu tade masuk computer?
i said: huh?
he said: you semalam kerja kat sini kan?
i said: ya.... semalam yang itu belum list dalam computer
he said: yang 80114 itu tade comfirm... (with the so irritating expression)
i said: o...saya tatau la, i ikut aje itu (pointing the nepal senior who leads me yesterday)

(hey, confirm is the thing you do to certify a production 'GO' k, i tried lots of time, but, i make mistakes. some of the produc t requires several process, and espcially the final process, i will not dare to confirm, if i certify wrong, the product will have to scrap and the preceeding process all goes undone, well, luckily everytime my mistake was then realize and re-confirm, so i say to myself: NOT TO COMFIRM IF THE SITUATION ALLOW, AND NOT TO CONFIRM ON FINAL PROCESS REGARDLESS ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!)

then he continue with his work, and i let me sit there waiting with my product...
i then open the reference drawing on his desk, showing very obvious I HAVE QUESTION~
he ignore, doing his job with full power of irritation...
like i am working there, yet all the job un complete, then he will have to do them...

HEY! thats your job, i am a substituting your position as trainee following a senior,
and i am sure all the job is (in my conscious) done when i go back!
fuck you fuck you fuck you!

sitting there stupidly for 10 mins, i left him..
back to final QA and approve that flaw product!
fine! fuck you... i let it go to the market!
if i'll have to be responsible, you will have to be responsible as well!

today was better day, as i facing this particular situation where i have to talk to him for something... (i struggle a lot thinking to talk to him or not, i affraid i will kill him),
but well, as i talk to him then, he don't seems anything different, like normal only...
then this baby face (seriously baby face, we crack his detail from other worker: he is only 20, but! already have kids, and he is kido and childish still...), pushing a trolley alike device...
and bang him in purpose....
hahaha, i am smirking... then i burst to laugher when 38 walk off that spot and baby face followed him and bang him again....


QA executive walk pass and 38 shouting to that executive pointing baby face,
executive was busy, he just say: EH! (then gone)
but the EH he shouted, summon that baby face supervisor...
(ops, problems...)
but i observe that baby face wasnt looks funny when he do that banging thing on 38, and 38 don't looks like having fun with him...i think they have some conflict before i appear...
well, fighting is good, kill 38....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

scenarios min


the bear bear group of maintenance looks like bear....
EACH everyone of them!
this is killer bear!
then got koala, Owl bear(looks like owl + bear), 38 bear( who likes to laugh without reason),

this one particular bear, when we QA spotted some problem with the product, and the cause is the machine operater reluctance, then he will ask us to : HANTAM DIA! KASI INI(hand me a metal), HANTEM DIA!

i eating sweet while walking, then i choke~ the mint penetrated into my nose and throat, i cannot stop coughing....
then red riding hood come pass and saw me
: SAKIT ah?

i cannot talk, i can only shake my head.......

CSC (orna steel) friend spending most of their time with engineers, with local, with taiwanese, chinese.... all educated people..
while we mintye babies, we spending most of our time with local malays, and foreigners~

no no, i am not complaining...
just that, i will have to say these foreigner we work with, wasnt bad and evil junk like what we see in the news paper, killing, robbing and raping...
can't deny they are less educated, knowing not much, we even have problem communicating to each other, they are rough, but in some sense, they are innocent...(dan sun)

there few Nepal worker who teach me things, vietnam worker teach me things, nepal store keeper telling us stuff.....
and ofcourse, there are few insane being around..

this particular special cisin uncle we address him as...he is... typical like insane chain kiler, like those killer who kill for no reason, not even for own satisfaction....
(while lining up for food in the canteen, he will walk pass us and push us away....,
he requesting a new mask from the supervisor, then the supervisor was handling something else, so he say: tunggu sekejap...
he said: sekarang tak boleh ah...
supervisor: tunggu la!

and surprisingly, although we have snake king, king of kings A&W, (a local malay, our supervisor), and everything we know as malay is always lazy... (ISA please be blind while seeing this), there are still few malay we work with, very keen and serious, hardworking on the job he is doing..

Sunday, November 9, 2008

working names

我的工作不错的老实说,想想吧,有人的工作得用脑子,思考然后想出一些方案,方法,之类的,像萍2,他就需要做presentation,research 之类的;有的人的工作每天要穿得美美然后去推销,当然很自然的吃喝玩乐都可以claim公司的,但时可不能没有成绩的,天天要对各种各样的人嘻皮笑脸,客户为先的消遣人;不然就像伟嘉那样,天天就被冷落,要他们好好的读熟各种各样的规则之类的,就天天一直读,然后很想睡觉,什么也做不了,当然,我都选择了他们糟糕的方面来说,好的一面他们自己在享受,我要嘛听了,也不会很明白~




总之!要我选择的话,我想开始也许会选择别的容易(看起来容易)的工吧,但是工作了就明白,身体累了最多不是休息多一点,至少我不用放工回到家里,担心明天怎么办,担心后天的presentation,担心下个星期的sales quota,


但是今天我那个store 的同学没有来,然后另外一个就被叫去office做东西,所以我就被差遣去顶替他们两个人在store的岗位,(当然不是只有我一个人),但是呢,今天的store根本就没有东西做,今天没有什么出货进货的,所以我就真的,很无聊~

然后我去回我的部门,QA in process, 去和那个38 讲话,他明明很得空的,但是我说:得空哦?他又说没有得空,但是整个人就摊在那边,什么都没有做~白痴


1. 38 :我工作是跟随他的,他做这个有9年的了,虽然教育程度不高,但是对于公司的运作,能跟他比的人,我看也只有他头上的那几个supervisor了,但是就由于教育程度不高,英文不太明白,看不懂,所以升不上去了~为什么38 ?因为他真得很38,他是一个男人,但是却像aunty酱,很喜欢去撩人,惹人,但是从我的眼里大家都还能接受的,很多人走过也很习惯性的去惹他。他很怕肮脏,有些人就会故意肮脏的时候他碰它,然后他就会捉狂,哈哈~

2. A&W, a.k.a 007: 这个男人是我们QA的第2个头头,他走路很像A&W的熊,所以我们就叫他A&W007 又为何?007 license to kill…. 我们的007 license to kill TIME.

我们至今也不太明白他的工作范围是什么,就这边那边,一点一点的,在work shop 里游来游去,根本就好像有执照的在杀时间~

3. 小红帽: 外劳来的,什么国家我不知道啦,但是他的语言我是不明白的,而且他很白,有点像华人,所以我不知道。他剃了个光头,然后天天带着红色的鸭舌帽~


4. 梁朝伟 :很帅的华人,白白的,高高瘦瘦的,很是好看的,有这么一天我和我的同学说他是整个工厂里面最帅的了,然后过后他迎面走来,和我们碰了个对面,然后我们就礼貌的微笑啊,他自然也会笑回给我们拉,然后我的同学就说,笑起来像梁朝伟,诚恳得来,又有点傻~哈哈

5. 任达华: 这个是外劳,黑人,但是不是印度那种黑,是泰国那种黑,是Nepal的人,然后就把头发染成了金色,然后袖子就会天天折到手臂至上,然后穿紧身裤,塞衣服,总之,看看任达华你就明白的了~

6. Crystal: 回想indiana jones 里的crystal skull, 一个样子来的

7. 医生: 外劳,有点老,但是鼻梁上架着的眼镜,不高不低,指指点点,超级像印度人医生的,第一次我和同学们说起,我说:你知道有一个人好像医生的吗?他们两人就知道我说的是睡了~

8. Porn star: 这个有点壮的Nepal 工人,没什么,就纯粹这么样觉得。

9. Killer uncle: 这个人平时真的就普通,没什么的,但是到了快放工的半个小时,他就开始了他杀手生涯,杀时间。其实要到放工的时间,杀时间是每个人的工作,所以纯粹普通得像我们这样的杀,根本拿不到这个名号,他会上fork lift, start engine, 然后驾着车子,然后一圈又一圈的环绕整个工厂,间中会搬搬抬抬拉,会把空桶叠在一起,不然就拿废铁的铁桶去倒掉,然后就一直在绕圈子,绕道尽头,没有路的死路,就会gostan, 然后再来~


10. Bear bear : 一群很像熊的technician, 他们的工作基本是换mould, 不然就修理机器,他们有大概5个人,5 个人,都是胖胖的,但是超级像熊的!



脑子里满是他们张牙舞爪的样子,然后捉起身边的machine operator,吃掉~

休息的时候,从镜子可以看到technician area, 看到眼睛熊~

11. Baby face 群: 有些外劳,整30的了,看起来还好象20,大我们没几岁的样子,其实他们已经有孩子的了~有一个还把头发染成金色,我和同学说,其实他们连星期日都做工,8 530ot 不算,他们到底把头发染了给谁看勒?

有两个baby face 的,一个是越南仔,一个是nepal 仔,也是QA 的,我有问题也会问他们的,两个人都是好人,越南仔还会一点点的话语。Baby face Nepal 仔那一天问我,有女朋友没有,用着他那混了不知道什么腔调的英文,我听了半天才明白他的问题,我说,没有,但是我结婚了~(我很认真地告诉他),他点头好像恍然大悟似的,好像真的相信勒!


然后38插嘴问我他问我什么,我说他问我结婚了没有,38 直接骂他:baru berapa tahun, Tanya orang kahwin belum, beru student la, bodoh~

其实nepal 人根本就听不懂他在叫什么~


他其实没有真的生气,就很懊恼~到我们的时候,他总会对我们好声好气,然后看到我们笑那些外劳的胡闹,他的大叫,他就会说,他们很teruk, 说有的做很久的了,还是teruk


12. 魔王: 既是老板拉,最大的~他的工作是什么我不知道啦~ 虽然他对我们说话也是好来好去的,但是所用工人都很怕他的,所以我对他也回避比较好。




我的工钱rm260, 6天一个星期,连星期六也是全天~

他算工钱的方法更是刻薄,即使说,260 maximum, 如果你一天没有来的话,而那个月又30天,就260 30,就是你一天的工钱,(8.66,不是一天rm10哦,不是~


就是说,260 是最多,就只可以扣,不可能加的~

十月我们做4 天而已,但是也有粮出,我们去office pay slip 的时候,接待我们的是一个看起来像为人母亲的善良女人,我就撒娇的在装哭, 呜呜呜呜~~这么少钱,我都不够吃~怎么办~~


好幽默的女人,然后我去上班的时候,放车放太过出了,他说,你要改装你的车哦?下午很多巴士经过的~放在前面那里啦!就走了。 好潇洒~






总之,要有一个mindset, 我们不是员工,我们是来学习的~


我还以为我不能在欣赏音乐了~坏了个耳朵, 但是好像习惯了。





(今天,我们的QA头头,说我们以后的星期六,做到5pm 就好了,是好消息吗?如果说星期六我们不用来了,我还真的会去拜拜说谢谢观音菩萨)

i love sleeping beauty

Thursday, November 6, 2008

language in work

human is the only species of organism with verbal language, and varies with location and races, but human have most conflict and complex in understanding each other...
maybe this indicates that language doesn't really help in connecting people..

in our syllabus of study, we learn that making bahasa malaysia our national language is to 'memupuk perpaduan antara kaum', and from the very beginning before our independent day till now, the language class had been implemented in the syllabus for almost 50 years, and the result shows that, 'perpaduan' of races in malaysia just really do not improve much, ~
again, do language actually help in connecting?

working for almost 2 weeks now, in between malays, nepal, bangladesh, china and XX(unknown places), ofcuz also locals, in the workplace, the national political issues do not have any effects, and the language plays small role.
we barely understand each other, the communication is build basically on 'simple vocab'(eg: OK? CAN? CANNOT? WHY? HOW? ), even talking to local malay, seriously, i don't really get them either,
but to say, i feel this simple way of communication link people much better than using fantastic bombastic pretty literature words or sentences,

i see local chinese speaking of language he barely understand and fool around with nepal worker, i bet the nepal worker don't understand at all, but they can tease and play together,
i see the canteen aunty shouting shouting the worker to line up, paying the accurate amount, stop pushing, take the food nicely in pure BM, and i truely believe that those worker understand none word from the sentences~

communication doesn't lies just on language, is people we are, we same species...
dog dont have to learn dog language to make all dog species understand them, just like any other animals, why human can't?
use feeling, observation(see), listen(the tone), the situation to understand each other.

language suppose to help us understand each other, why make it an obstacles on people bond? sometimes we are confuse with things we observe, or we simply don't see the point, and the language will be very helpful in understanding, but then this is the time we chose keep silent...
(shy? don't feel like speaking it out?)

some tips:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

working sucks

working life sucks~

i am working in QA, means quality assurance or more commonly quality control.
while 2 of my mmu mate plays QA in the store, i along play QA in 'in process'
means, i've to check the product before the production starts, once QA said: ok, go!
then the production starts, then from time to time during the production, QA got to check the product,once got prob, stop the production, and at the ending, certify the product once more time, and sent to the store.

and for my mmu mate, before the product goes to the customers, the product will be bring out from the store, and there is their job to ensure the product is checked again.
so basically, they have easier life.

good thing is, my supervisor was keen to teach me things, and the bad thing is, he is very lazy as well, he like to chit chatting with people there...

the good thing is, for certain time, i don really have things to do, even my supervisor don have things to do, the bad thing is, you still have to looks busy regardless how free you are.

the good thing is, we have 3 breaks a day, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea(15mins only thou), the bad thing is, you got to work on saturday full time.
(and the food is limited, you walk slower, you eat an egg and rice for lunch)

some worker is very kind, yet some...i don know, so far none do bad things to us.
the boss, higher authority people is kind to us too, the boss said he is currently busy with something, after his busy period done, he might led us thru~
follow him, a great lights for 3 months of darkess...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


星期六,今天本来是为了庆祝phing, kah2,的生日而约了孩子们一起吃午餐的~



星期六那天去到,我们去表姨的家,house warming party,隔天才是迎亲的日子~

星期六的午餐,说是为了phing2kah2, 的生日而有的午餐,虽然phing2不能来了,他说他还在kl,但是life goes on~,午餐就继续好了,我还真的很想孩子们呢,哈哈,离婚了,孩子的抚养权给我了~






1. 3儿子驾车很不小心的,会因为拾水瓶去撞别人的车,然后退车也去撞别人的车头。

2. 回的时候,我让3儿子载我去我的车,(当天驾myvi, accord送去医院了)

3. 到我的车了,我就载2儿子回到建筑的门口,他要等‘不是我’的那个爸爸,我大哥?(不是,我只有一个大哥,他在banting,但是他不知道他是我大哥)


还有,我们是东方的人们,吃饭吃饭,说的真的是吃饭,真的可以联络感情,不是secret resipe, Mcd, kfc~



朋友要是变质了,还是我顾不来的,我干脆就丢掉了,有着朋友却不关心,不理不睬,又等于没有,不如没有~ (我是太偏激了,是不对的,桥正着)

我希望可以带孩子们来马六甲玩玩,因为这个学期是industrial training, 希望可以轻松一点的,因为没有考试,虽然要上班,却不用担心assignment deadline, project, course work 等等,

但是!我还觉得我会很忙得呢~我有concertproposal, 6/11 dead line, (一切演奏会的工作拉)

我的fyp, 毕业论文,我的笛子课,(除了上课,还要去栽培新苗), 还有各种各样拉~



艾! 明天就上班了!嘿嘿,有点期待,又有点害怕~

some tips:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

days in between final exam, another relax day

Re-arrange my blog as seen, my blog moderator Sue, is broken…sigh~she is so free to burn out series but not free at all to re arrange my blog, or our blog~

Today is another relax day, the test is 4 days from now, and I just printed out all the notes~, the scary part is, I am not nervous at all~

Elements of the day:

1. 中孝介(Atari Kousuke), is my day~the whole day, is with his song, simply irresistible, totally mesmerize.

2. Sushi day, I don’t know sushi member day is applicable domestically in whole Malaysia or not, but I do know that in Malacca, this week is member week. I don’t have to explain what is sushi day I guess. We went at lunch hour, but luckily we line up for about 7mins only.


a new Kingston 4G pendrive. that silver one is my old pendrive, 512MB, but due to aging(i think), it degraded become 42MB, i cannot even put an music album in it, i wonder what can i do with it. i used to have another black 1G pendrive, but MIA it is. (pendrive also goes MIA). and so, obviously, the purple one is my new pendrive.

(oh, that dragon ball that link both the old and new is something i brought from HongKong N years ago, and that black dust thing, is....a anime character, something from my school anime fair)


a movie...
pathetic a little, as that hero cannot have sex with the one he like because having high heart beat rate will transform him into hulk, remind me of small ville, clark do not want to have sex with Lana because he think he is too powerful~ lately all the heroic movie focus more on the personal side behind the mask, which is pathetic, and nice to watch~

(maybe one day your son growing up and tell you, hey dad, i am superman, or i am incredible hulk, tell him: then you will not beable to have sex~.....hahaha, skip this)


a news~ 台湾选秀冠军林宥嘉惊人相似日本AV男优


saying yoga resembles a AV porn star from Japan~ well, honestly,i tried to find out what AV is that, but too bad, i couldn't

6. writing this blog~and recreate all the layout, hope you people like it, and do leave comment to let me know someone read the blog~ is too bad that i couldn't publish this page in msn, in friendster, because i do write bad about peoples~ when i hate someone, i won't bother if he know i hate him, but it is totally not necessary to let him:i hate you

lastly, some tips for raising a baby:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


今天考第三张,law, 相当的难,还好有tips,不然真的不知道怎么办~




Mp3-fm transmitter, 想要很久了,因为我的车子啊,cd player坏掉了,除了电台,就什么歌也听不了,今天终于去买了,很快乐~


然后晚参加车去jusco McD ~逛一下书局,虽然没有钱买书,但是马六甲的书局那么的渺小,我也没要买什么书~





我下了几首他的歌,好动听啊~天啊~~ 好好听,我想明天我如果再去逛书局,我会去看看有没有他的专辑。



